Stable Diffusion locally on MacBook Air via App „Draw Things“

It would be nice to have a local installation of the open source text-to-image model Stable Diffusion… that was my idea this weekend. As I didn’t find any convincing installation manuals and even wasn’t sure if my Windows PC’s hardware would be sufficient, a very simple article about „Draw Things“ came to my attention: Unfortunately my iPad and my iPhone are too old, but with my MacBook Air (M1,2020) the installation was no problem:
Downloading the app „Draw Things“ from the Apple Store and afterwards downloading the proposed model „SDXL Refiner v1.0 (8-bit)“. My first text prompt with default options, 1024×1024 etc. and waiting time of some minutes, was a disaster, my second prompt was a disaster and so it went… double things and not nearly what I wanted. O.k., I’m a little bit spoiled because of mostly using ChatGPTPlus and Bing Image Creator, but what was that thing? Totally disappointed, I deleted all the results.

Here is one disturbing example from today „young woman holding an umbrella“:

image with model SDXL Refiner v.10 8-bit
(click to enlarge)

Today, I thought maybe I should be modest and download/install an older Stable Diffusion model in my „Draw Things“ app and therefore chose „Generic (Stable Diffusion v2.1)“ which would result in a lower resolution image 512×512. For my prompt I chose something about cats (because, normally „cats always work“) and finally, I got results resembling a cat:

image with model Generic, Stable Diffusion v2.1image with model Generic, Stable Diffusion v2.1image with model Generic, Stable Diffusion v2.1image with model Generic, Stable Diffusion v2.1
(click to enlarge)

The good results with the older model led me to the assumption, that the SDXL model was the problem and I googled… a YouTube video „Fix Double-Headed Glitches in Stable Diffusion with Kohya Hires Fix!“ helped me understand the problem (Link: As I don’t have a local installation but the Apple Store App „Draw Things“, I can’t install any extensions, but I looked instead at the menu „Advanced“ in my „Draw Things“: There is indeed already a solution, that means a configuration option named „High resolution fix“ (description „[…] it avoids duplicate objects when generating directly“), which I simply had to enable in order to avoid double heads in my results.

First result after enabling „High Resolution Fix“:

image with model SDXL Refiner v.10 8-bit
(click to enlarge)

That’s the problem with news articles regarding the topic IT or AI: they become obsolete faster than you can think – I don’t mean any offense – and next time, I will go through the advanced options even when I don’t want to experiment deeper with a software.

At last, I can start generating images with my local installation of Stable Diffusion via App „Draw Things“:

Draw Things Screenshot
(click to enlarge)

Thanks to the developer of „Draw Things: AI Generation“!